
May 22nd Opening Night
Bon Apetit will be catering.
Cocktail Hour in the lounge from 7-8
Dinner at 8
Details To Follow.

Santa And The Commodore
Children's Christmas Party 2003

The Super Bowl party was a success thanks in large part to the efforts of Tim Shea and Mike Delaney.
Many thanks to them. The food was Great!

****Website News****

The SHYC web site has a new name and address:
The Tripod site is being phased out. Eventually it will disappear altogether. Please book mark the new address.

New pictures have been added in the Historic Pictures section, Courtesy of Ed Pratt.

****House Committee News****

Ernie needs skilled members for small work-hours projects
There are plans to re-do the gate.
****General News****

A Reminder:
In accordance with our by-laws, a general membership meeting is held on the second Thursday of Feb., April, June and Sept. The annual meeting is on the second Thursday of November. All members are encouraged to attend.